how can i know all the sins lurking in my heart? cleanse me from these hidden faults. keep your servant from deliberate sins don't let them control me. then i will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin.
may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, o Lord, my rock and my redeemer
psalm 19: 12-14
i wish it was as easy to fall into goodness as it is to fall into badness.
the challenge is always there. it sits in the middle of my mind, on a little pedastal. most of the time i work around it.
will you give yourself?
i'll give you this, i say. i'll give you that. but my self? are you sure you even want it? what is it worth to you? i'd actually rather keep it. if i have a choice, i'd rather keep it.