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splashy names

9/10/16 My newest baby niece has a strange and spangly name: Ariel Salina. Splashy names are kind of her parents’ M.O. The two siblings...

guilt headache

11/4/14 Because when you get married you realize that some of the things you stood by as "your thing"--like wearing clothes beyond the...

three years

11/11/12 Three years is so little, just a teensy dusting of time. Photos of you three years ago are barely discernable from photos from...

promises promises

10/29/12 Sometimes you do what God tells you to do and things get worse. The voice is easily misheard. Only to people in the Bible does...

letter to obama

5/3/12 A gallery visitor met me at the door this morning as I was locking up to drop stuff off in the office. He said, "I have to talk...

when she isn't eating her own hand,

12/22/09 Stella speaks to me. Directly. She chirps and her eyebrows go up and down and they furrow in a strangely familiar way The...

conversational dexterity

10/3/09 "Do you ever think that the American family is suffering a crisis. When you look around you, do you see the family falling apart....

stella evangeline eng

9/24/09 She's here. Officially an individual. The previous nine months of preparation, fuss, and hype still haven't lived up to the...

BLUE part 2

forgive me

9/13/09 For the past month and a half, I've resided in fellowship with a tiny spider that lives on my windowsill. While I was in...

yesterday's dinner

8/26/09 "That one," my mom said, and pointed at a fish swimming a little away from the rest, its mouth opening and closing silently, its...

deliver us from everything

8/17/09 trying to warn lawrie of the dangers of the internet, but i can't quite figure out how to tell it. "there are... bad things......


7/14/09 about a week ago, i passed by an old bald man leaning on a walker. wanting to appear friendly and local, i smiled at him. he...


6/29/09 i love tattoos. it's kind of a stupid fascination. tattoos can be inexcusably expensive and trendy and in bad taste, but i like...


6/25/09 when she is driving, i look at her wrists because they are almost exactly like mine, except paler. my wrists attach her hands to...

explains nothing

5/1/09 at times it occurs to me, terrifyingly, how small my life is. if i were to add up its parts, with the things i do and why i do...

pollen on my laptop

4/28/09 pollen on my laptop. leaves on my bedspread. it seems a sin to have the windows closed on such a breeze. i hang my laundry...

baby daddy

3/13/09 she was one of the people i met in the park that night when we brought our squishy tuna sandwiches and the coolers of iced tea to...

my feet miss africa

2/8/09 On the third and last leg of our flight back to the US, I tried to ignore the fact that there was something stuck between my toes....

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